what do you mean with "If you write in plain python, you can do so on the device" , do you mean there are other alternatives ?
What is the best approach to reach my goal ? i have both rpi 4 and 5 ( and probably i can order a jetson nano ) , and if you suggest me another luxonis camera i can probably buy another one. which other camera of yours , do you suggest to do vio / slam and object detection on the camera ?
Best apporach ? my approach is not to use raspberry pi to run everything. I would like to run ros2 on the raspberry and object detection model or vio/ slam on the camera ( another option is to change to a more powerful board like rpi 5 or jetson nano ). What do you suggest ? do you think my approach to create an autonomous robot is fine ? i'm open to any of your suggestion while using ros2 as the central software.