Hello. I have the OAK-D Pro (https://shop.luxonis.com/products/oak-d-pro?variant=42455252369631) and im trying to synch it with another Camera System from a different Company. I tried to figure it out myself but i cant help to find the informations I need.
Im working with C++ and currently i set the cam up like this:
dai::Pipeline pipeline;
auto camRgb = pipeline.create<dai::node::ColorCamera>();
auto xoutRgb = pipeline.create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();
auto qRgb = device.getOutputQueue("rgb", 60, false);
I'm getting the frames like this:
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int c_id = 0; c_id < N_CAMS+1; c_id++){
if (i < per_cam_images[c_id].size()) {
if(c_id < N_CAMS){
//capturing logic of the other cam system
} else {
while (auto inRgb = qRgb->tryGet<dai::ImgFrame>()){
webcamImages[webCamCount] = std::make_shared<dai::ImgFrame>(*inRgb);
Its a parallel call where i trigger the cameras from the other system which is synched (so i dont have to worry about the other system) and also get all the frames currently in the queue of the luxonis camera. I match the results via timestamps but the synchronization to the Luxonis Frames is offset by an average of 25ms (which is a problem because I have to achieve a synchronization <1ms ).
I was wondering if there is a way to trigger the Camera manually because as far as i got this right it currently just starts capturing after this call dai::Device device(pipeline);
and then i can get the frames it has in the queue which are async to the other system.
Any Ideas?