I started with fresh virtual environment, build with python 3.11 & updated the pip & setuptools depenedencies.
this time i was able to run requirments.txt in main branch itself under gen2-color-isp-raw.
Now when i try to run main.py under same folder I am not able to see my camera feed for arducam imx283.
How to check it & fix it?
When running main.py , following is the logs in terminal :
depthai version: [2024-11-07 11:42:45.543] [depthai] [warning] [194430104185E61200] [0.1] Flashed bootloader version 0.0.19, less than 0.0.28 is susceptible to bootup/restart failure. Upgrading is advised, flashing main/factory (not user) bootloader. Available: 0.0.28 [194430104185E61200] [0.1] [9.004] [ColorCamera(0)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 0
& its freeze here.