• Standalone mode for detection script using yolo_V10

Hello dear Oak cameras experts, I have an issue running this code in standalone mode, the code work well when launch with the computer but I don't have anything in my catchbox when I run it from the camera itself

Model of camera : OAK-1 POE
Model of detection : yolo_V10 (put in .blob extension at the root of the file)
python version. : 3.9

depthai :2.28

Bootloader : 0.0.28

I think the issue could be related to the libraries I am using (cv2 for example) but I am not sure of it

the code :


If someone can give me a hint on what is wrong with the code I would really appreciate it

thanks by advance

I tried to get rid of the CV2 and pandas libraries but it does not seem to work


    You can not run this in standalone mode since most of the external libraries don't exist in that context.
    Here is a list of supported libs/modules in script node.

    Here is a guide on how standalone works.
