• DepthAI
  • Age, Gender & Emotion detection all together


i am trying to combine age & gender demo with emotion using OAK-D lite.

Age and gender image manip requires 62X62 cropped image size where as emotion requires 64X64.

i have created 2 node scripts for age/gender and emotion. but when i run the python script, the camera frame gets stuck on the first frame and program halts.

i looked at 2 stage inference demo and when i executed the main.py, it did not run as it has different camera initialization code.

Please download the demo python file to check my code;


how do i implement this use case?


Hello Rex, I would actually just use 1 script node and when you loop through face detection, you create 2 ImageManipConfigs; one 62x62 and one 64x64, and send them to two different ImageManip nodes, one will crop the image and send it to Age/Gender NN, other to Emotion estimation NN.
Thanks, Erik