Hey all!
I have a specific use case where I hope to place an Oak-D board of some SKU on a UAS, with the initial goal of streaming video over RTSP to a ground station, and the eventual integration of the stereo and monocular vision into the control loop for object avoidance and object tracking. I currently have a BW1098FFC and BW1098OBC to play around with. In trying to select the appropriate model, I had a few questions about capability.
First, am I correct in understanding that all models would require a host or companion device of some kind to achieve this functionality? My options on that end would be a Raspberry Pi CM4 or Jetson Nano, depending on how my testing goes for speed and the eventual requirements for control update rate. I wanted to make sure that there is no board option which would allow me to stream frames, processed or not, directly from the device over an IP radio. If possible, I would like to avoid a companion computer as the system is heavily SWAP constrained.
Second, I have been looking at the model with the integrated Pi CM, but have reservations about image quality. Given the speeds and distances at which the vehicle will need to operate, I don't think the image sensors embedded on the board are going to cut it. Is there any way for me to replace those sensors with something like an IMX477, or even just add a lens to the sensors in place to achieve a wider field of view?
Thanks everyone! Super stoked to be diving into these boards!

  • erik replied to this.

    Hello jithub !
    You can actually run OAK POE and OAK IOT versions in standalone mode, so you wouldn't need a companion computer. So you actually can stream frames directly so somewhere on POE (example here) or via IOT WiFi on ESP32 for OAK IOT cameras (example here).

    You can actually use IMX477 as it's a supported sensor, and you can get it from our shop as an FFC module, so you can connect it to the OAK-FFC camera. Regarding wider FOV, our series 2 of OAK devices will have wide FOV permutation as well, and we will have initial (beta) version of these devices in a month or two.
    Thanks, Erik

    7 days later

    Hi Erik,
    Thank you for the reply! Unfortunately, my use case has some very specific requirements - RTSP streaming over an IP radio - so I don't think I'll be able to take advantage of the native streaming capabilities, and will have to use a companion computer. I already have an FFC camera and 3 IMX477s, but I was hoping to take the total footprint down by using a board with something built-in. I have some follow-up Q's, but as they are less so related to this topic, I am going to make a new thread.