I'm working with OAK-D SR with ToF and I'm considering the ToF sensor.
# Configure the ToF node
tofConfig = tof.initialConfig.get()
tofConfig.enableOpticalCorrection = True
tofConfig.enablePhaseShuffleTemporalFilter = True
tofConfig.enableTemperatureCorrection = False # Not yet supported
tofConfig.enableFPPNCorrection = True
tofConfig.enablePhaseUnwrapping = True
tofConfig.phaseUnwrappingLevel = 3
tofConfig.phaseUnwrapErrorThreshold = 300
tofConfig.enableBurstMode = False
tofConfig.median = dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_5x5
ToF size is 640x480, RGB size 1200x800.
The RGB sensor is set to 30 fps, the ToF sensor to 60 fps.
When I try do get the different streams, I got the following frame rates:
depth: 58 fps
depth + amplitude: 33 fps
depth + intensity: 40 fps
depth + amplitude + intensity: 27 fps
depth + RGB: 17.5 fps
depth + RGB aligned: 10.5 fps
depth + RGB (setIspScale(1, 2)): 30 fps
depth + RGB (setIspScale(1, 2)) aligned: 30 fps
I have two questions:
- Are these data consistent with yours or am I missing something?
- I am not able to sync the ToF stream and the stereo stream. Can you please share a snippet?
Many thanks!