I am collecting outdoor data using 2 OAK-D W PoE cameras and I have experienced frame drop in both of them while recording ros bag. you can see that from the plot if the time difference between each frame and the next one using the header timestamp of the images.
this plot is for the left monocamera in camera 1.
this plot is for the left monocamera in camera 2 for the same data collection time.
the frame rate is 20 fps and I am using the ros1 noetic driver to launch the cameras, here is the config file:
camera_i_enable_imu: true
imu_i_acc_freq: 200
imu_i_gyro_freq: 200
camera_i_enable_ir: false
camera_i_floodlight_brightness: 0.0
camera_i_ip: ''
camera_i_laser_dot_brightness: 800.0
camera_i_mx_id: ''
camera_i_nn_type: ''
camera_i_pipeline_type: RGBStereo
camera_i_usb_port_id: ''
camera_i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS
nn_i_nn_config_path: ''
rgb_i_low_bandwidth: true
left_i_low_bandwidth: true
right_i_low_bandwidth: true
rgb_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
left_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
right_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
rgb_i_fps: 20
left_i_fps: 20
right_i_fps: 20
left_i_publish_left_rect: false
right_i_publish_right_rect: false
stereo_i_publish_synced_rect_pair: false
stereo_i_enable_distortion_correction: false
camera_i_resolution: 720p
camera_i_enable_imu: false
camera_i_enable_ir: false
camera_i_floodlight_brightness: 0.0
camera_i_ip: ''
camera_i_laser_dot_brightness: 800.0
camera_i_mx_id: ''
camera_i_nn_type: ''
camera_i_pipeline_type: rgb
camera_i_usb_port_id: ''
camera_i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS
camera_i_resolution: 720p
rgb_i_low_bandwidth: true
rgb_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
rgb_i_fps: 30
camera_i_enable_imu: true
imu_i_acc_freq: 200
imu_i_gyro_freq: 200
camera_i_enable_ir: false
camera_i_floodlight_brightness: 0.0
camera_i_ip: ''
camera_i_laser_dot_brightness: 800.0
camera_i_mx_id: ''
camera_i_nn_type: ''
camera_i_pipeline_type: RGBStereo
camera_i_usb_port_id: ''
camera_i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS
nn_i_nn_config_path: ''
rgb_i_low_bandwidth: true
left_i_low_bandwidth: true
right_i_low_bandwidth: true
rgb_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
left_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
right_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 100
rgb_i_fps: 20
left_i_fps: 20
right_i_fps: 20
stereo_i_publish_left_rect: false
stereo_i_publish_right_rect: false
stereo_i_enable_distortion_correction: false
camera_i_resolution: 720p
I am using a low fps and low resolution and not using any NN but I still face a frame drop problem. how can I fix that?