Hi guys, I've checked in a working first draft of ROS2 support for the OpenCV AI Kit. It can be found here along with some setup instructions:
It's essentially a ROS2 wrapper for the python interface defined here: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai. It'll broadcast a topic for each stream specified with the cliArgs parameter. It will also take any input parameter that the depthai_demo.py will take. The included demoListen component can be used as an example on how to receive those topics in your own ROS2 nodes.
For a more detailed list of arguments that can be passed see the depthai_demo.py help or add 'help' as a cliArg to the depthai_wrapper talker component.
I'll be offline for about a week but am interested in any comments and opinions you guys might have. I'm pretty new to both ROS2 and Python so I'd very much welcome suggestions and criticism.
Thanks for reading!