Hi, @eric-soderberg
I'm working on project where im using the tracker and i keep seeing this mistake everytime i try to reload demo.py

Palm detection blob : C:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\models\palm_detection_sh4.blob

Landmark blob : C:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\models\hand_landmark_lite_sh4.blob

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "c:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\demo.py", line 59, in <module>

tracker = HandTracker(



File "c:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\HandTracker.py", line 130, in init

self.device = dai.Device()



RuntimeError: Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
Can u help me with this issue?
Oh, and when i try to tru comm with "python/python3" it's not working. Using "py" is working
this is the tracker, and my camera is OAK-D-Pro

Hi @Priyam26
Can you try running some of our example over on depthai-python repo? I'm thinking is possibly a power issue, where the camera is not getting enough power so it browns out.
