Hi @jakaskerl
thanks for your reply! I guess I am running the current version (2.26.0).
The rgb_mobilenet_4k.py
worked sometimes, somtimes it crashed. At first it seemed to depend on the lighting in the room, but I could not really reproduce this. Here the log:
[2024-06-03 07:47:54.608] [depthai] [info] DEPTHAI_DEBUG enabled, lowered DEPTHAI_LEVEL to 'debug'
[2024-06-03 07:47:54.608] [depthai] [debug] Python bindings - version: from build: 2024-05-25 16:53:23 +0000
[2024-06-03 07:47:54.608] [depthai] [debug] Library information - version: 2.26.0, commit: 90487456cb92d15bcf0129a2f54c332250f1df31 from 2024-05-25 08:30:10 +0200, build: 2024-05-25 16:34:38 +0000, libusb enabled: true
[2024-06-03 07:47:54.612] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished
[2024-06-03 07:47:54.692] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.28.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 82ms
[2024-06-03 07:47:55.078] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-24a3b465b979de3f69410cd225914d8bd029f3ba.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 467ms
[2024-06-03 07:47:55.165] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: 2022.1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393675.165] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":true,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}
0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb
0020: 00 be be be be be be 01 00 bb 00 be be
[2024-06-03 07:47:56.165] [depthai] [debug] Searching for booted device: DeviceInfo(name=1.1, mxid=18443010C129770E00, X_LINK_BOOTED, X_LINK_USB_VSC, X_LINK_MYRIAD_X, X_LINK_SUCCESS), name used as hint only
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.884] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [OK]: INIT_NOC: noc probes timer create
[OK]: INIT_NOC: noc probes timer start
[OK]: INIT_NOC: ddr bandwith profiling!
BootloaderConfig.options1 checksum doesn't match. Is: 0x10304418 should be: 0xFCCBD2D0
GPIO boot mode 0x16, interface USBD
Setting aons(0..4) back to boot from flash (offset = 0)
initial keepalive, countdown: 10
PLL0: 700000 AUX_IO0: 24000 AUX_IO1: 24000 MCFG: 24000 MECFG: 24000
Board init ret 3
DepthAI Firmware - version: 24a3b465b979de3f69410cd225914d8bd029f3ba
eeprom configuration version: 55AA0007
Reading VERSION 7 --- ->
eeprom configuration load from user area, status: 0
Reading VERSION 7 --- ->
Didn't find any boards matching the eeprom data
Board options: 00000000
--> brdInit ...
brdInitAuxDevices: Error: SC = 27: io_initialize expander_cam_gpios_1 [OK]
spi_N25Q_init: Flash JEDEC ID: ff ff ff
Invalid Flash JEDEC ID... No NOR available
Could not register the spi device
inited hal ---
def: 53 46 45 34 10 06 08 34 10 53 14 45 46 08 06
val: 53 46 45 34 10 06 08 34 10 53 14 45 46 08 06
Opening bus for IR driver: 1
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Opening bus for IR driver: 2
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Opening bus for IR driver: 3
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Closing EEPROm!
MyriaX board configuration
pll0 frequency: 700000, ref0 frequency: 24000
Is booted from flash by bootloader: 0
Networking not available...
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_A / RGB / Center
skipped OV7251
skipped AR0234
skipped S5K33D
>> Registered camera A12N02A (imx378) as /dev/Camera_0
camera socket: 0, name: color
config - w: 1920, h: 1080, type: COLOR
config - w: 3840, h: 2160, type: COLOR
config - w: 4056, h: 3040, type: COLOR
config - w: 1352, h: 1012, type: COLOR
config - w: 2024, h: 1520, type: COLOR
Adding socket 0: cam 2. Sen name: IMX378
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_B / Left
>> Registered camera TG161B (ov9282) as /dev/Camera_1
camera socket: 1, name: left
config - w: 1280, h: 720, type: MONO
config - w: 1280, h: 800, type: MONO
config - w: 640, h: 400, type: MONO
Adding socket 1: cam 5. Sen name: OV9282
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_C / Right
>> Registered camera TG161B (ov9282) as /dev/Camera_2
camera socket: 2, name: right
config - w: 1280, h: 720, type: MONO
config - w: 1280, h: 800, type: MONO
config - w: 640, h: 400, type: MONO
Adding socket 2: cam 5. Sen name: OV9282
Didn't find any boards matching the eeprom data
Initializing XLink...
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 5 VSC2_EVENT_ATTACH
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
initial keepalive, countdown: 9
Usb connection speed: Super - USB 3.0
Temperature: Driver registered.
Temperature: Initialized driver.
Temperature: Sensor opened: CSS.
Temperature: Sensor opened: M
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.887] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 0.12 / 333.28 MiB, CMX: 2.04 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 7.51 / 82.20 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 2.89 / 40.35 MiB / NOC ddr: 26 MB/s
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.887] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 26.96C, CSS: 28.37C, MSS 25.92C, UPA: 26.41C, DSS: 27.15C
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.887] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 29.86%, LeonRT: 1.80%
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.895] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: SS.
Temperature: Sensor opened: UPA.
Temperature: Sensor opened: DSS.
I: [Timesync] [ 1459621] [XLin] startSync:186 Timesync | Callback not set
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393677.074] [host] [debug] Schema dump: {"connections":[{"node1Id":1,"node1Output":"out","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":4,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""},{"node1Id":0,"node1Output":"preview","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":1,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""},{"node1Id":0,"node1Output":"preview","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":3,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""},{"node1Id":0,"node1Output":"video","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":2,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""}],"globalProperties":{"calibData":null,"cameraTuningBlobSize":null,"cameraTuningBlobUri":"","leonCssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"leonMssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"pipelineName":null,"pipelineVersion":null,"sippBufferSize":18432,"sippDmaBufferSize":16384,"xlinkChunkSize":-1},"nodes":[[0,{"id":0,"ioInfo":[[["","video"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":14,"name":"video","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","still"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":12,"name":"still","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","isp"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":11,"name":"isp","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","preview"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":13,"name":"preview","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","raw"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":10,"name":"raw","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","frameEvent"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":9,"name":"frameEvent","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","inputConfig"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":8,"name":"inputConfig","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","inputControl"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":7,"name":"inputControl","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":false}]],"name":"ColorCamera","properties":[185,26,185,31,0,3,0,136,0,0,0,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,185,5,0,0,0,0,0,185,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,189,0,255,0,0,0,129,44,1,129,44,1,255,255,255,255,1,136,0,0,240,65,0,136,0,0,128,191,136,0,0,128,191,0,185,4,0,0,0,0,3,3,4,4,4,190]}],[1,{"id":1,"ioInfo":[[["","out"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":6,"name":"out","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","passthrough"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":5,"name":"passthrough","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","in"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":4,"name":"in","queueSize":5,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"DetectionNetwork","properties":[185,6,130,64,133,221,0,189,12,97,115,115,101,116,58,95,95,98,108,111,98,8,2,0,185,7,1,136,0,0,0,63,0,0,186,0,187,0,136,0,0,0,0]}],[2,{"id":2,"ioInfo":[[["","in"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":3,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"XLinkOut","properties":[185,3,136,0,0,128,191,189,5,118,105,100,101,111,0]}],[3,{"id":3,"ioInfo":[[["","in"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":2,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"XLinkOut","properties":[185,3,136,0,0,128,191,189,7,112,114,101,118,105,101,119,0]}],[4,{"id":4,"ioInfo":[[["","in"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":1,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"XLinkOut","properties":[185,3,136,0,0,128,191,189,2,110,110,0]}]]}
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393677.074] [host] [debug] Asset map dump: {"map":{"/node/1/__blob":{"alignment":64,"offset":0,"size":14517568}}}
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.928] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: Calling IPC set assets
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.038] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: Asset: /node/1/__blob, pointer: 0x8b2d7c00, size: 14517568, alignment: 64
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.040] [system] [info] SIPP (Signal Image Processing Pipeline) internal buffer size '18432'B, DMA buffer size: '16384'B
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.082] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: sippPalThreadCreate: Thread /SIPP created
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.075] [system] [info] ImageManip internal buffer size '366080'B, shave buffer size '34816'B
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.075] [system] [info] NeuralNetwork allocated resources: shaves: [0-9] cmx slices: [0-9]
ColorCamera allocated resources: no shaves; cmx slices: [10-15]
ImageManip allocated resources: shaves: [15-15] no cmx slices.
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.087] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [info] Needed resources: shaves: 5, ddr: 7106432
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.093] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [1970-01-01 00:00:01.092] [info] Time taken to build the pipeline: 54ms
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.093] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: NeuralNetwork | Available resources: shaveStart: 0, numShaves: 10, mask: 000003FF
Initing ImgPreproc system!
Pre-proc Enc mem used: 138240 bytes. Available: 366080
LRT - build pipeline call
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.095] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [info] Inference thread count: 2, number of shaves allocated per thread: 5, number of Neural Compute Engines (NCE) allocated per thread: 1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.104] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: == FSYNC enabled for cam mask 0x0
CAM ID: 0, width: 3840, height: 2160, orientation: 0
getDefaultDtp: camType:2, color:1, orientation:0
DTP: ext_dtp_database
Loaded DTP, handle 0x84253fe8
== SW-SYNC: 0, cam mask 0x1
!!! Master Slave config is: single_master_slave !!!
Starting camera 0, server 0x84253fe8
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():173: command->id:1
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():193: command "1 0" sent
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.116] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] iq_debug_create():161: iq_debug address 0x8885f8c0
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.127] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] hai_cm_driver_load_dtp():852: Features for camera A12N02A (imx378) are received
[E] set_dtp_ids():396: //VIV HAL: Undefined VCM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():405: //VIV HAL: Undefined NVM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():414: //VIV HAL: Undefined lights DTP ID 0
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.137] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] camera_control_start():360: Camera_id = 0 started.
============================ Configuring IMX378 with mode 0
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.160] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: ========== IMX378 /dev/i2c.Camera_0_sen, FSIN enable 0, output 0
[E] vpipe_conv_config():1465: Exit Ok
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.170] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] callback():133: Camera CB START_DONE event.
inc_camera_process set exposure and gain
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.182] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: AF_TRIGGER on camera 0
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():173: command->id:5
[E] camera_control_focus_trigger():604: Focus trigger succeeded camera_id = 0.
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():218: command "5 0" sent
Starting Guzzi command handling loop...
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.182] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: MIPI DPHY 4 error, stat 0x30
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.236] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: finished sippPrePrepareLinesFreeRT
Resize video window with mouse drag!
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.262] [XLinkOut(2)] [info] Increasing 'video' stream size from 5242880B to 12492800B
[2024-06-03 07:48:00.346] [depthai] [debug] DataOutputQueue (nn) closed
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393680.346] [host] [debug] Timesync thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__timesync' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:48:00.346] [depthai] [debug] DataOutputQueue (preview) closed
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393680.346] [host] [debug] Log thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__log' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:48:00.346] [depthai] [debug] DataOutputQueue (video) closed
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393680.350] [host] [debug] Device about to be closed...
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393680.350] [host] [debug] RPC error: Couldn't write data to stream: '__rpc_main' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393680.351] [host] [debug] shutdown call error: Device already closed or disconnected: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
[2024-06-03 07:48:00.351] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemoteTimeout returned: X_LINK_ERROR
[2024-06-03 07:48:00.351] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemote of linkId: (0)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393681.558] [host] [debug] Getting crash dump...
[2024-06-03 07:48:01.559] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: 2022.1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393681.559] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":true,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}
0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb
0020: 00 be be be be be be 01 00 bb 00 be be
[2024-06-03 07:48:02.565] [depthai] [debug] Searching for booted device: DeviceInfo(name=1.1, mxid=18443010C129770E00, X_LINK_BOOTED, X_LINK_USB_VSC, X_LINK_MYRIAD_X, X_LINK_SUCCESS), name used as hint only
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393683.532] [host] [warning] Device crashed, but no crash dump could be extracted.
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393684.281] [host] [debug] Watchdog thread exception caught: Couldn't write data to stream: '__watchdog' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:48:04.390] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemote of linkId: (1)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717393685.030] [host] [debug] Device closed, 4679
The tiny-yolo example always crashed (sometimes it worked for about 5 seconds, but in most cases it crashed instantly):
[2024-06-03 07:55:04.940] [depthai] [info] DEPTHAI_DEBUG enabled, lowered DEPTHAI_LEVEL to 'debug'
[2024-06-03 07:55:04.940] [depthai] [debug] Python bindings - version: from build: 2024-05-25 16:53:23 +0000
[2024-06-03 07:55:04.940] [depthai] [debug] Library information - version: 2.26.0, commit: 90487456cb92d15bcf0129a2f54c332250f1df31 from 2024-05-25 08:30:10 +0200, build: 2024-05-25 16:34:38 +0000, libusb enabled: true
[2024-06-03 07:55:04.944] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished
Using Tiny YoloV4 model. If you wish to use Tiny YOLOv3, call 'tiny_yolo.py yolo3'
[2024-06-03 07:55:05.025] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.28.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 82ms
[2024-06-03 07:55:05.407] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-24a3b465b979de3f69410cd225914d8bd029f3ba.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 465ms
[2024-06-03 07:55:05.485] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: 2022.1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394105.486] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":true,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}
0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb
0020: 00 be be be be be be 01 00 bb 00 be be
[2024-06-03 07:55:06.492] [depthai] [debug] Searching for booted device: DeviceInfo(name=1.1, mxid=18443010C129770E00, X_LINK_BOOTED, X_LINK_USB_VSC, X_LINK_MYRIAD_X, X_LINK_SUCCESS), name used as hint only
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.888] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [OK]: INIT_NOC: noc probes timer create
[OK]: INIT_NOC: noc probes timer start
[OK]: INIT_NOC: ddr bandwith profiling!
BootloaderConfig.options1 checksum doesn't match. Is: 0x10304418 should be: 0xFCCBD2D0
GPIO boot mode 0x16, interface USBD
Setting aons(0..4) back to boot from flash (offset = 0)
initial keepalive, countdown: 10
PLL0: 700000 AUX_IO0: 24000 AUX_IO1: 24000 MCFG: 24000 MECFG: 24000
Board init ret 3
DepthAI Firmware - version: 24a3b465b979de3f69410cd225914d8bd029f3ba
eeprom configuration version: 55AA0007
Reading VERSION 7 --- ->
eeprom configuration load from user area, status: 0
Reading VERSION 7 --- ->
Didn't find any boards matching the eeprom data
Board options: 00000000
--> brdInit ...
brdInitAuxDevices: Error: SC = 27: io_initialize expander_cam_gpios_1 [OK]
spi_N25Q_init: Flash JEDEC ID: ff ff ff
Invalid Flash JEDEC ID... No NOR available
Could not register the spi device
inited hal ---
def: 53 46 45 34 10 06 08 34 10 53 14 45 46 08 06
val: 53 46 45 34 10 06 08 34 10 53 14 45 46 08 06
Opening bus for IR driver: 1
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Opening bus for IR driver: 2
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Opening bus for IR driver: 3
Failed to probe IR driver LM3644
Closing EEPROm!
MyriaX board configuration
pll0 frequency: 700000, ref0 frequency: 24000
Is booted from flash by bootloader: 0
Networking not available...
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_A / RGB / Center
skipped OV7251
skipped AR0234
skipped S5K33D
>> Registered camera A12N02A (imx378) as /dev/Camera_0
camera socket: 0, name: color
config - w: 1920, h: 1080, type: COLOR
config - w: 3840, h: 2160, type: COLOR
config - w: 4056, h: 3040, type: COLOR
config - w: 1352, h: 1012, type: COLOR
config - w: 2024, h: 1520, type: COLOR
Adding socket 0: cam 2. Sen name: IMX378
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_B / Left
>> Registered camera TG161B (ov9282) as /dev/Camera_1
camera socket: 1, name: left
config - w: 1280, h: 720, type: MONO
config - w: 1280, h: 800, type: MONO
config - w: 640, h: 400, type: MONO
Adding socket 1: cam 5. Sen name: OV9282
=== Enumerating on socket: Cam_C / Right
>> Registered camera TG161B (ov9282) as /dev/Camera_2
camera socket: 2, name: right
config - w: 1280, h: 720, type: MONO
config - w: 1280, h: 800, type: MONO
config - w: 640, h: 400, type: MONO
Adding socket 2: cam 5. Sen name: OV9282
Didn't find any boards matching the eeprom data
Initializing XLink...
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 5 VSC2_EVENT_ATTACH
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
initial keepalive, countdown: 9
Usb connection speed: Super - USB 3.0
Temperature: Driver registered.
Temperature: Initialized driver.
Temperature: Sensor opened: CSS.
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.892] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 0.12 / 333.28 MiB, CMX: 2.04 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 7.51 / 82.20 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 2.89 / 40.35 MiB / NOC ddr: 26 MB/s
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.892] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 30.56C, CSS: 32.49C, MSS 29.10C, UPA: 30.08C, DSS: 30.56C
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.892] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 71.37%, LeonRT: 1.80%
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.899] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: rature: Sensor opened: MSS.
Temperature: Sensor opened: UPA.
Temperature: Sensor opened: DSS.
I: [Timesync] [ 5036715] [XLin] startSync:186 Timesync | Callback not set
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394107.405] [host] [debug] Schema dump: {"connections":[{"node1Id":1,"node1Output":"out","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":3,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""},{"node1Id":1,"node1Output":"passthrough","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":2,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""},{"node1Id":0,"node1Output":"preview","node1OutputGroup":"","node2Id":1,"node2Input":"in","node2InputGroup":""}],"globalProperties":{"calibData":null,"cameraTuningBlobSize":null,"cameraTuningBlobUri":"","leonCssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"leonMssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"pipelineName":null,"pipelineVersion":null,"sippBufferSize":18432,"sippDmaBufferSize":16384,"xlinkChunkSize":-1},"nodes":[[0,{"id":0,"ioInfo":[[["","video"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":13,"name":"video","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","still"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":11,"name":"still","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","isp"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":10,"name":"isp","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","preview"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":12,"name":"preview","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","raw"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":9,"name":"raw","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","frameEvent"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":8,"name":"frameEvent","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","inputConfig"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":7,"name":"inputConfig","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","inputControl"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":6,"name":"inputControl","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":false}]],"name":"ColorCamera","properties":[185,26,185,31,0,3,0,136,0,0,0,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,185,5,0,0,0,0,0,185,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,185,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,189,0,255,0,0,0,129,160,1,129,160,1,255,255,255,255,0,136,0,0,32,66,0,136,0,0,128,191,136,0,0,128,191,1,185,4,0,0,0,0,3,3,4,4,4,190]}],[1,{"id":1,"ioInfo":[[["","out"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":5,"name":"out","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","passthrough"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":4,"name":"passthrough","queueSize":8,"type":0,"waitForMessage":false}],[["","in"],{"blocking":false,"group":"","id":3,"name":"in","queueSize":5,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"DetectionNetwork","properties":[185,6,130,128,171,185,0,189,12,97,115,115,101,116,58,95,95,98,108,111,98,8,2,0,185,7,0,136,0,0,0,63,80,4,186,12,136,0,0,32,65,136,0,0,96,65,136,0,0,184,65,136,0,0,216,65,136,0,0,20,66,136,0,0,104,66,136,0,0,162,66,136,0,0,164,66,136,0,0,7,67,136,0,0,41,67,136,0,0,172,67,136,0,128,159,67,187,2,189,6,115,105,100,101,49,51,188,12,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,189,6,115,105,100,101,50,54,188,12,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,136,0,0,0,63]}],[2,{"id":2,"ioInfo":[[["","in"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":2,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"XLinkOut","properties":[185,3,136,0,0,128,191,189,3,114,103,98,0]}],[3,{"id":3,"ioInfo":[[["","in"],{"blocking":true,"group":"","id":1,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3,"waitForMessage":true}]],"name":"XLinkOut","properties":[185,3,136,0,0,128,191,189,2,110,110,0]}]]}
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394107.405] [host] [debug] Asset map dump: {"map":{"/node/1/__blob":{"alignment":64,"offset":0,"size":12168064}}}
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [0.932] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: Calling IPC set assets
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.031] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: Asset: /node/1/__blob, pointer: 0x8b2d7c00, size: 12168064, alignment: 64
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.064] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: sippPalThreadCreate: Thread /SIPP created
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.075] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: NeuralNetwork | Available resources: shaveStart: 0, numShaves: 13, mask: 00001FFF
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.025] [system] [info] SIPP (Signal Image Processing Pipeline) internal buffer size '18432'B, DMA buffer size: '16384'B
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.061] [system] [info] ImageManip internal buffer size '285440'B, shave buffer size '34816'B
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.061] [system] [info] NeuralNetwork allocated resources: shaves: [0-12] cmx slices: [0-12]
ColorCamera allocated resources: no shaves; cmx slices: [13-15]
ImageManip allocated resources: shaves: [15-15] no cmx slices.
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.075] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [info] Needed resources: shaves: 6, ddr: 8110912
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.083] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [info] Inference thread count: 2, number of shaves allocated per thread: 6, number of Neural Compute Engines (NCE) allocated per thread: 1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.087] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [1970-01-01 00:00:01.080] [info] Time taken to build the pipeline: 56ms
== FSYNC enabled for cam mask 0x0
CAM ID: 0, width: 1920, height: 1080, orientation: 0
getDefaultDtp: camType:2, color:1, orientation:0
DTP: ext_dtp_database
Loaded DTP, handle 0x84253fe8
== SW-SYNC: 0, cam mask 0x1
!!! Master Slave config is: single_master_slave !!!
Starting camera 0, server 0x84253fe8
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():173: command->id:1
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():193: command "1 0" sent
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.087] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: Initing ImgPreproc system!
Pre-proc Enc mem used: 69120 bytes. Available: 285440
LRT - build pipeline call
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.108] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] iq_debug_create():161: iq_debug address 0x88362780
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.120] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] hai_cm_driver_load_dtp():852: Features for camera A12N02A (imx378) are received
[E] set_dtp_ids():396: //VIV HAL: Undefined VCM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():405: //VIV HAL: Undefined NVM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():414: //VIV HAL: Undefined lights DTP ID 0
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.130] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] camera_control_start():360: Camera_id = 0 started.
[E] hai_cm_sensor_select_mode():164: No suitable sensor mode. Selecting default one - 0 for start 1920x1080 at 0x0 fps min 40.000000 max 40.000000
[E] hai_cm_sensor_select_mode():164: No suitable sensor mode. Selecting default one - 0 for start 1920x1080 at 0x0 fps min 40.000000 max 40.000000
============================ Configuring IMX378 with mode 0
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.152] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: ========== IMX378 /dev/i2c.Camera_0_sen, FSIN enable 0, output 0
[E] vpipe_conv_config():1465: Exit Ok
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.163] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] callback():133: Camera CB START_DONE event.
inc_camera_process set exposure and gain
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.175] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: AF_TRIGGER on camera 0
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():173: command->id:5
[E] camera_control_focus_trigger():604: Focus trigger succeeded camera_id = 0.
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():218: command "5 0" sent
Starting Guzzi command handling loop...
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.175] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: MIPI DPHY 4 error, stat 0x30
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.218] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonMss: finished sippPrePrepareLinesFreeRT
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1.537] [system] [warning] PRINT:LeonCss: initial keepalive, countdown: 8
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394110.802] [host] [debug] Log thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__log' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:55:10.802] [depthai] [debug] DataOutputQueue (nn) closed
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394110.802] [host] [debug] Timesync thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__timesync' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:55:10.802] [depthai] [debug] DataOutputQueue (rgb) closed
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394110.802] [host] [debug] Device about to be closed...
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394110.802] [host] [debug] RPC error: Couldn't write data to stream: '__rpc_main' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394110.802] [host] [debug] shutdown call error: Device already closed or disconnected: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
[2024-06-03 07:55:10.802] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemoteTimeout returned: X_LINK_ERROR
[2024-06-03 07:55:10.802] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemote of linkId: (0)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394111.890] [host] [debug] Getting crash dump...
[2024-06-03 07:55:11.891] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: 2022.1
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394111.891] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":true,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}
0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb
0020: 00 be be be be be be 01 00 bb 00 be be
[2024-06-03 07:55:12.888] [depthai] [debug] Searching for booted device: DeviceInfo(name=1.1, mxid=18443010C129770E00, X_LINK_BOOTED, X_LINK_USB_VSC, X_LINK_MYRIAD_X, X_LINK_SUCCESS), name used as hint only
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394113.997] [host] [warning] Device crashed. Crash dump saved to /tmp/depthai_gCCfey/18443010C129770E00-depthai_crash_dump.json
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394114.620] [host] [debug] Watchdog thread exception caught: Couldn't write data to stream: '__watchdog' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2024-06-03 07:55:14.854] [depthai] [debug] XLinkResetRemote of linkId: (1)
[18443010C129770E00] [1.1] [1717394115.369] [host] [debug] Device closed, 4566
All VideoEncoder seemed to work fine.
I have ordered a new USB 3.1 Gen2 cable, I'll let you know the results tomorrow.