• Treat camera in rae as OAK camera

Hi, there are some cameras in rae and one though that can i treat these camera as regular OAK camera production line when i use USB cable to connect to my host and use depthai API or SDK to control them? Thanks in advance.

You can, but you will have to take some "special care" while doing that. Main thing is that rae is rvc3 device so you will have to use relevant branch for those devices.

I would suggest using already published docker image for rae-ros which already has relevant depthai versions installed.

Here is the package

You should be able to run it with 2 following commands, first one is there only to let docker use your screen:

xhost +local:docker 
sudo docker run -it -v /dev/:/dev/ --network host --privileged -e DISPLAY --entrypoint /bin/bash -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix ghcr.io/luxonis/rae-ros:v0.4.0-humble 

Using docker as sudo may not be necessary depending on your setup. Let me know if this works for you.

5 days later

Thanks for reply. Since I'm not familiar with docker operation, I'd take the option of relevant branch.

Before starting my trial on rae, i typed 2 commands (follow up Installation section on luxonis/depthai-pythontree/rvc3_develop and their replies as below) on my host PC (Windows 10) and used Depthai Viewer to check my another OAK-D-SR camera, which is working(image from right/left camera and point cloud are shown) well with "Luxonis Device" shown on Device Manager.

C:\Users\Pega_User>python -m pip install -U pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in d:\python\python312\lib\site-packages (24.0)
C:\Users\Pega_User>python -m pip install --extra-index-url https://artifacts.luxonis.com/artifactory/luxonis-python-snapshot-local/ depthai
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://artifacts.luxonis.com/artifactory/luxonis-python-snapshot-local/
Collecting depthai
Using cached depthai- (9.0 kB)
Using cached depthai- (10.6 MB)
Installing collected packages: depthai
Successfully installed depthai-

Then I plugged in my new rae(no firmware updated after shipping), power it on(Register at robohub.luxonis.com text shown on screen of rae). But no new device is discovered under Device Manager (resulting in not working in Depthai Viewer for sure). Is it correct that I need to update firmware before next step? Is there any document we can reference? Please hlep. Thanks.

    RobertH C:\Users\Pega_User>python -m pip install -U pip

    Not ok, this installs regular depthai for rvc2 devices.

    You need the specific version built by CI on https://artifacts.luxonis.com/artifactory/luxonis-python-snapshot-local/ depthai, should be commit ff929745dc99589a560217f857f49d8bf00a5463. Make sure to download the whl for the right OS and arch.

    Then you should be able to run examples by specifying the ip of RAE.
