Hi! I was wondering if any of the cameras support audio input?( preferably OAKD, OAD pro or OAKD Lite.) I really appreciate your help

  • erik replied to this.

    Hello nazanyntbt , no current devices have a microphone on board, but I believe we have some devices on the roadmap that will have an integrated microphone. Checking with HW engineers..

    5 days later

    Update; the new OAK-D-IOT-PRO will have a microphone on-board, so it will support audio streaming.

    2 years later

    Hi @erik , May I know if the depthai API currently expose the audio node? Seems I cant find.

    I do see Som-Pro does have the I2S pinout, so hw support should be there?

    Hi @erik ,

    Thanks for quick reply. Having on a custom branch doesnt sound very integratable.

    Is it possible to have / port this function to v2.23 api release? And does this UAC function work along side all other data streams transmitting on XLINK?

    What about the timestamping, does the audio sample come with host synced timestamp?


    Hi @Huimin ,
    While it is possible, it's very far from our roadmap/plans, so I don't think we'd consider doing it even for an NRE charge. I don't think it has timestamps, as it'd work like an USB microphone - you can utilize it (eg. zoom calls), but I don't think the stream itself has timestamps. You'd be much better off by connecting the microphone to the host computer instead, and add timestamps to the stream on the host. Thoughts?

    @erik Ok! No worries, understand the limitation. Adding microphone to host does not help, as we do need sub-millisecond reliable timestamp sync between all data streamed. The current USB XLINK sync won't really do it for us.
