• Discharged battery

My RAE doesn't boot anymore, after not using it for 6 weeks. I tried to recharge it via both the side-USB and Charging Pods, but to still no response>

In the Blank screen discussion I saw reset instructions:

  • un-plug/re-plug the battery - just making sure there is not power to the SoM

  • press and hold boot button

  • press and hold power button

Are there somewhere instructions how to open the RAE and un-plug / re-plug the battery?

That said, where can the boot button be found?

Another observation: the previous days only a blue led lighted up when the RAE was charging from the side-USB. Now that led is yellow. How should those signals be interpreted?

Hi @Arnoud
If you specifically need to replug the battery:

  • unscrew the 4 screws at the bottom of the device
  • carefully lift the bottom plate as not to sever any connections
  • unplug and replug the battery.

Blue led means the device is on. Yellow likely just means the device is charging but turned off. Not totally sure though.


Great to see the inside of the RAE.

Where are the 4 bottom screws actual located? None are directly visible.
Do you have to click off the transparent LED-ring first, or are they hidden on an other location?
The image above seems to indicate that they are located in the far corners.


Hi @Arnoud
The screws are located in the bottom plate on each of the four corners. Might be hidden under the plate cover.


OK, the black ground-plate is actually a cover glued to the white transparent bottom plate. With a scalpel we were able to lift the corners and use a torch screw-driver to left the bottom of the RAE.

After that we followed the blank screen discussion on reset instructions:

  • un-plug/re-plug the battery - just making sure there is not power to the SoM

  • press and hold boot button

  • press and hold power button

What is nice that we now can follow what happens during the boot:

  • The green BB-SYS led lights up
  • The blue LED2 starts blinking
  • The blue LED2 becomes solid
  • The front screen blinks
  • All LEDs get dark.

Seems that the boot sequence fails.

    When connected to my computer via the side-USB, I see the following

    • The green PGOOD is solid
    • The orange status is solid

    When I try to charge the motherboard only on USB, without the battery connected, I get

    • The orange status is blinking

    No blue LED2 when the battery is disconnected.

    Arnoud After that we followed the blank screen discussion on reset instructions:

    un-plug/re-plug the battery - just making sure there is not power to the SoM

    press and hold boot button

    press and hold power button

    These are not exactly the "reset" instructions, but the steps to boot the rae into recovery mode which is used to reflash the OS in case of a soft-bricked device. You can follow the "blank screen" thread to reflash the device OS. After that, the rae should boot up as expected (unless it's a HW issue).


    I followed the instructions in the "blank screen" thread.

    I did my best to use three fingers to hold two button at the same time and plugin the USB. It seems that works, because the LED2 becomes blue and I can see the connection with a dmesg command.

    Yet, if I run

    the command "flashtool flashall -d usb fip-dm3370-r5m2e5-1.8.1.bin data.img boot.img system.img syshash.img" gives the output:
    /home/arnoud/Install/Luxonis/fip-dm3370-r5m2e5-1.8.1.bin is a valid FIP
    /home/arnoud/Install/Luxonis/data.img is a valid data image
    /home/arnoud/Install/Luxonis/boot.img is a valid boot image
    /home/arnoud/Install/Luxonis/system.img is a valid system image
    /home/arnoud/Install/Luxonis/syshash.img is a valid verity image
    No USB devices found. Please check your connection and ensure the device in recovery mode

    What are the color of the LEDs I should expect in recovery mode?
    What are the steps to check if I "soft-bricked" my device or that I have HW issue?

    Note that I can no longer find the troubleshoot page in your documentation.

    Hi @Arnoud
    Try setting the udev rules:

    Ensure your user is in the plugdev group
    sudo usermod -a -G plugdev ${USER}
    newgrp plugdev
    Setup udev rules
    echo 'SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="8087", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0b39", GROUP="plugdev"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-keembay.rules
    echo 'SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="8087", ATTRS{idProduct}=="da00", GROUP="plugdev"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/80-keembay.rules
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
    pip3 install --user .
    flashtool --help


    That is a good suggestion to check if the user is in the group plugdev.

    Actually I was, the problem was how difficult it is to hold the reset/boot button pressed. After 3 attempts with two hands (essential) and with the RAE open so that we had sensory feedback we succeeded. The LED2 has to be a constant blue when you connect the USB-side. You can check if you are succesfull because the device becomes visible with "lsusb | grep Movidius". If you get a response with Bus and Device the RAE is in recovery mode.

    The flashing started but crashed after updating only part of the images that should be written. After a third flash attempt we got the output:

    -4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 created GPT in 0.0160s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed data in 26.9830s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed boot_a in 16.9080s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed boot_b in 16.7980s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed system_a in 208.3450s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed system_b in 311.7550s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed syshash_a in 5.6530s
    3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5 flashed syshash_b in 5.5260s
    OS flashing done for device 3-4 Intel Keembay USB(in OS recovery mode): 58927016838860C5. Please shutdown the system, set the boot switch to normal and reboot the system
    Successfully flashed device with MX ID: 58927016838860C5 on USB port: 3-4

    After the reboot the device is not visible with lsusb, but dmesg indicates that usb0 was renamed to a USB ethernet device and we could ssh to the default ip

    Connected the device to our wifi and was looking in RobotHub for the default Luxonis app when the RAE disconnected. It flashes RAE on its little screen and goes black again. Seems to be rebooting. No longer reachable with ethernet, nor ssh nor RobotHub. Could be again a battery failure, looking if charging helps.

    Looked that this was a version problem in RobotHub, it tried to upgrade the Agent when I selected the latest Default App, but failed. Removed the Default App 2.0.0, and with Default App 1.2.1 I finally have RAE with its purple LEDs burning.