Hello! I've been looking through and tweaking the samples, but so far I can't seem to get below about 1s in straming video latency when attempting to stream video from the camera to an RTP receiver.
I'm using the Python RTSP streamer as a starting place but then I just take the data and do the following to send a UDP video stream without using Gstreamer. I initialized the encoder with the following args:
videnc.setDefaultProfilePreset(FPS, dai.VideoEncoderProperties.Profile.H264_MAIN)
And send the data with:
with dai.Device(pipeline, device_info) as device:
seqNum = 0
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
encoded = device.getOutputQueue("encoded", maxSize=30, blocking=True)
print("Setup finished")
while True:
data = encoded.get().getData()
dataToSend = len(data)
startPos = 0
while startPos < dataToSend:
dataLeft = dataToSend - startPos
toSend = min_of_two(1400, dataLeft)
endPos = startPos + toSend
buffer = bytearray()
print(f"Sending {len(buffer)} / {dataLeft} {startPos} {endPos}")
startPos = endPos
sock.sendto(buffer, ("", 9922))
Ive then played it by using ffplay on the receiver computer:
ffplay -fflags nobuffer -i udp://
The video looks fine, but the 1s delay is there.
Are there any other items to tweak here? I have tried the H264 encoder with no better results.
Thanks in advance! Would love to have any other samples of direct RTP/UDP streaming if anyone has managed to get low latency video.
Just a quick mention that I also ran this code directly on the oak camera by using the script interpreter there and did not have any better performance.