I'm looking at putting a barebones OAK-1 into an underwater enclosure (rated 400 m) for marine habitat inference and classification. In order do this though I'll need to mount the image sensor at 90 deg to the board as the enclosure isn't wide enough to mount the board as it stands.
So I have a couple of questions:
1) The sensor looks to be securely glued to the board, so before applying too much force can I ask what adhesive was used and from there a suitable solvent can hopefully be found to help separate the sensor?
2) Alternatively can you recommend a suitable replacement sensor from Arducam or elsewhere (fixed focus would be ideal but not essential) that I could then use to attach to the connector and keep the original (unattached sensor) on the board?
Option 2 would be my preference as I could then remount the board as is back into the aluminum housing once the project has finished.
I have seen the OAK-FFC-3P which would be another alternative, but it's dimensions of 60 mm x 40 mm x 22 mm would potentially not fit in the available space in the enclosure.
Can I just say keep up the great work at Luxonis, as I'm just starting to dip my toe in the CNN / disparity depth world and your equipment is a really easy way in. It's very democratizing when the subsea enclosure costs x3 of an OAK-1.
Kind Regards,
John (OAk-D-Lite backer on Kickstarter)