- Edited
Back story: I have never been able to connect successfully to Robothub except when I initially received the device, and then video streaming and other functions did not work. So I moved on over the last several months working on rviz and gazebo sims and working directly in the luxonis/rae-ros-robot:humble container. Without being able to use Robothub, I developed in /data/persistent/home where I set up a ROS2 workspace in a new directory /ros_ws. This directory was added to the container by:
docker run -it --restart=unless-stopped -v /dev/:/dev/ -v /sys/:/sys/ -v /data/persistent/home/ros_ws/:/data/persistent/home/ros_ws/ --privileged --net=host -e ROS_DOMAIN_ID='1' luxonis/rae-ros-robot:humble
I can do this through both access points: (wifi) and I didn't have the need to investigate the lack of interest connection until I started using git for the sources in my /ros_ws/src directory.
I have tried every method suggested here to get an internet connection including hard resets, but no luck. I did update the firmware:
sh-5.0# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Luxonis OS"
PRETTY_NAME="Luxonis OS 1.14"
And the robothub agent appears to be running:
`sh-5.0# robothub-ctl status
║ ║
║ RobotHub Agent (23.340.1249 | keembay/arm64 Version 1.14 | DepthAI 2.19.1) ║
║ ║
Web UI https://localhost:9010
DepthAI 2.19.1
Connected to cloud? no (https://robothub.luxonis.com)
Pending detections 0`
But as expected, there is no internet connection.
sh-5.0# robothub-ctl logs -l 200
313 21:14:36 I stream-handler : I am alive ...
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub-connection :
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home (expectedTeamId = null)
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home -> first time, need to authorize
313 21:15:02 W user/agent/hub-connection : callHome failed!
Note that the command line starts with "sh-5.0#"
It appears that even a hard reset (pushing the reset button) does not completely restore the software to factory settings as the keembay# is gone, but /data is reinitialized.
I tried as suggested with no luck:
systemctl stop robothub-tunnel
systemctl stop robothub-agent
rm -rf /home/robothub
mkdir /home/robothub
systemctl start robothub-tunnel
systemctl start robothub-agent
Without opening the device and unplugging the battery as has been suggested, what is the process to completely restore factory settings or otherwise obtain an internet connection?