• No internet connection - completely restore factory settings necessary?

Back story: I have never been able to connect successfully to Robothub except when I initially received the device, and then video streaming and other functions did not work. So I moved on over the last several months working on rviz and gazebo sims and working directly in the luxonis/rae-ros-robot:humble container. Without being able to use Robothub, I developed in /data/persistent/home where I set up a ROS2 workspace in a new directory /ros_ws. This directory was added to the container by:

docker run -it --restart=unless-stopped -v /dev/:/dev/ -v /sys/:/sys/ -v /data/persistent/home/ros_ws/:/data/persistent/home/ros_ws/ --privileged --net=host -e ROS_DOMAIN_ID='1' luxonis/rae-ros-robot:humble

I can do this through both access points: (wifi) and I didn't have the need to investigate the lack of interest connection until I started using git for the sources in my /ros_ws/src directory.

I have tried every method suggested here to get an internet connection including hard resets, but no luck. I did update the firmware:

sh-5.0# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Luxonis OS"
PRETTY_NAME="Luxonis OS 1.14"

And the robothub agent appears to be running:

`sh-5.0# robothub-ctl status
║ ║
║ RobotHub Agent (23.340.1249 | keembay/arm64 Version 1.14 | DepthAI 2.19.1) ║
║ ║

Web UI https://localhost:9010
DepthAI 2.19.1

Connected to cloud? no (https://robothub.luxonis.com)
Pending detections 0`

But as expected, there is no internet connection.

sh-5.0# robothub-ctl logs -l 200
313 21:14:36 I stream-handler : I am alive ...
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub-connection :
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home (expectedTeamId = null)
313 21:15:02 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home -> first time, need to authorize
313 21:15:02 W user/agent/hub-connection : callHome failed!

Note that the command line starts with "sh-5.0#"

It appears that even a hard reset (pushing the reset button) does not completely restore the software to factory settings as the keembay# is gone, but /data is reinitialized.

I tried as suggested with no luck:

systemctl stop robothub-tunnel
systemctl stop robothub-agent
rm -rf /home/robothub
mkdir /home/robothub
systemctl start robothub-tunnel
systemctl start robothub-agent

Without opening the device and unplugging the battery as has been suggested, what is the process to completely restore factory settings or otherwise obtain an internet connection?

Hi @mjohannessen
You don't have to unplug the battery necessarily. By holding the power button for 8(?) seconds, the rae should power down. You can then boot it into recovery mode by holding the boot button and power and plugging a USB into the rae. Then you can re-flash the OS, which would "factory reset" it.


    jakaskerl Ok - question (being one without 3 hands 😉), please confirm the sequence:

    1.Hold the power button for 8(?) seconds until the rae powers down.

    1. Boot rae into recovery mode by holding the boot button and power until Rae is powered up.

    2. After Rae powers up, plug in the USB into the rae.

    3. Re-flash the OS, which would "factory reset" it. The procedure here is [needs step by step process instructions including steps on Rae and/or on a Linux/Ubuntu box connected to Rae via the USB connection]