• Getting rae gazebo up and running

I'm using the rae-ros archive and trying to set rae up in Gazebo. This is on a Ubuntu 22.04 VM with ROS2 Humble and Gazebo Fortress (the recommended pairing). After changing the world file location and converting the ignition items to gz in gazebo.launch.py (plugins, msgs), by launching that file (ros2 launch rae_gazebo gazebo.launch.py), rae is spawned but embedded in the ground plane. Using gz topic -e -t /keyboard/keypress and adding the Key Publisher and Topic echo to Gazebo UI, I see the /cmd_vel being received, but no rae movement.

I ran a test with the Gazebo UI not playing on start, and noticed that the rae model drops into the ground plane when play is pressed.

So I'm not missing anything, are there and issues with rae_description and rae_gazebo and running the Gazebo UI?

Hi, thanks for notification, for now the Simulation part is not officially supported although we appreciate feedback on it, you should be able to run the simulation with fixes available on this branch, which will be merged soon.