Hi chandrian , by default you will want to rotate the images by 90deg. So you will likely want 4k, then rotate it by 90deg, then do inference, then crop, then rotate back by -90deg to get to 1920x1080.

Ok thanks! Is all of this happening in before the script node? Or is that unnecessary.

And how does the script node work in terms of code path. I see a "while true" in the script with no breaks and a while true after the script. do they run in parallel?

I tried keeping the same dimensions as my working code and just flipping twice and I didnt not get an output stream and then I tried a zero degree turn twice and still no stream. Am I messing something up here:

        manipRgb = pipeline.createImageManip()
        rgbRr = dai.RotatedRect()
        rgbRr.center.x, rgbRr.center.y = cam.getPreviewWidth() // 2, cam.getPreviewHeight() // 2
        rgbRr.size.width, rgbRr.size.height = cam.getPreviewHeight(), cam.getPreviewWidth()
        rgbRr.angle = 0
        manipRgb.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rgbRr, False)

        manipRgb2 = pipeline.createImageManip()
        manipRgb2.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rgbRr, False)

        # Create an UVC (USB Video Class) output node. It needs 1920x1080, NV12 input
        uvc = pipeline.createUVC()

I actually cant get the cam.video to go through any manipulation node and into the UVC

I tried passing the cam.video into the manip node and into the uvc. Then I tried setting the preview to 1920x1080 (is that a possible size?) and feeding that into the manip node and into uvc and I still could not get that working either.

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi chandrian ,
    With the new depthai you can also use cam.video with ImageManip. I believe we plan to update the depthai uvc branch to latest, so you will be able to achieve this. Regarding the issue, please submit the full MRE.
    Thanks, Erik

    Ok I will try to submit that. I have a deadline soon so I am not sure that will be done in time. Do you think it would be possible to rotate the facial recognition input so that, if the camera is 90 rotated, it will still recognize faces? I will try that today but no luck so far. Actually I think its working now.. more details to come

    Facial recognition seems to be working (blue square coming up) but not tracking at this moment.
    I think the blue squares were windows camera app tracking face, not the depthai.

    I am not having much success with rotating the input to the facial recognition. Do you think this is possible? If not, do you have another suggestion?

    • erik replied to this.
      7 days later

      Thanks for the reply Eric,

      I have been trying to get this to work with no luck. It seems when I add multiple nodes, it does not function well. I am just feeding isp output into a mobilenet.

      I tried just duplicating the resize image ImageManip above to prove functionality since I got the single resize working and I cannot get it to pass to the mobilnet and function.

      This is using the UVC demo.


      Here's the code;

      #!/usr/bin/env python3
      import cv2
      import depthai as dai
      import blobconverter
      # Create pipeline
      pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
      # Define source and output
      camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
      xoutVideo = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
      # Properties
      camRgb.setVideoSize(1920, 1080)
      # Create MobileNet detection network
      mobilenet = pipeline.create(dai.node.MobileNetDetectionNetwork)
          blobconverter.from_zoo(name="face-detection-retail-0004", shaves=3)
      # manipRgb = pipeline.createImageManip()
      # rgbRr = dai.RotatedRect()
      # rgbRr.center.x, rgbRr.center.y = camRgb.getPreviewWidth() // 2, camRgb.getPreviewHeight() // 2
      # rgbRr.size.width, rgbRr.size.height = camRgb.getPreviewHeight(), camRgb.getPreviewWidth()
      # rgbRr.angle = 0
      # manipRgb.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rgbRr, False)
      # camRgb.isp.link(manipRgb.inputImage)
      # manipRgb.out.link(mobilenet.input)
      crop_manip2 = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip)
      crop_manip2.initialConfig.setResize(300, 300)
      crop_manip = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip)
      crop_manip.initialConfig.setResize(300, 300)
      # camRgb.isp.link(crop_manip.inputImage)
      # crop_manip2.out.link(crop_manip.inputImage)
      # Script node
      script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)
          ORIGINAL_SIZE = (5312, 6000) # 48MP with size constraints described on IMX582 luxonis page
          SCENE_SIZE = (1920, 1080) # 1080P
          x_arr = []
          y_arr = []
          limits = [0, 0] # xmin and ymin limits
          limits.append((ORIGINAL_SIZE[0] - SCENE_SIZE[0]) / ORIGINAL_SIZE[0]) # xmax limit
          limits.append((ORIGINAL_SIZE[1] - SCENE_SIZE[1]) / ORIGINAL_SIZE[1]) # ymax limit
          cfg = ImageManipConfig()
          ctrl = CameraControl()
          def average_filter(x, y):
              if AVG_MAX_NUM < len(x_arr): x_arr.pop(0)
              if AVG_MAX_NUM < len(y_arr): y_arr.pop(0)
              x_avg = 0
              y_avg = 0
              for i in range(len(x_arr)):
                  x_avg += x_arr[i]
                  y_avg += y_arr[i]
              x_avg = x_avg / len(x_arr)
              y_avg = y_avg / len(y_arr)
              if x_avg < limits[0]: x_avg = limits[0]
              if y_avg < limits[1]: y_avg = limits[1]
              if limits[2] < x_avg: x_avg = limits[2]
              if limits[3] < y_avg: y_avg = limits[3]
              return x_avg, y_avg
          while True:
              dets = node.io['dets'].get().detections
              if len(dets) == 0: continue
              coords = dets[0] # take first
              width = (coords.xmax - coords.xmin) * ORIGINAL_SIZE[0]
              height = (coords.ymax - coords.ymin) * ORIGINAL_SIZE[1]
              x_pixel = int(max(0, coords.xmin * ORIGINAL_SIZE[0]))
              y_pixel = int(max(0, coords.ymin * ORIGINAL_SIZE[1]))
              # ctrl.setAutoFocusRegion(x_pixel, y_pixel, int(width), int(height))
              # ctrl.setAutoExposureRegion(x_pixel, y_pixel, int(width), int(height))
              # Get detection center
              x = (coords.xmin + coords.xmax) / 2
              y = (coords.ymin + coords.ymax) / 2
              x -= SCENE_SIZE[0] / ORIGINAL_SIZE[0] / 2
              y -= SCENE_SIZE[1] / ORIGINAL_SIZE[1] / 2
              # node.warn(f"{x=} {y=}")
              x_avg, y_avg = average_filter(x,y)
              # node.warn(f"{x_avg=} {y_avg=}")
              cfg.setCropRect(x_avg, y_avg, 0, 0)
      # Linking
      # Connect to device and start pipeline
      with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
          video = device.getOutputQueue(name="video", maxSize=1, blocking=False)
          while True:
              videoIn = video.get()
              print("Done in seconds")
              # Get BGR frame from NV12 encoded video frame to show with opencv
              # Visualizing the frame on slower hosts might have overhead
              cv2.imshow("video", videoIn.getCvFrame())
              if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
      • erik replied to this.

        Hi Erik,

        What do you mean when you say that? Do I post those things here in the forum post? Or do I submit something like a git issue?

        • erik replied to this.

          Hi chandrian ,
          You can submit it here, just make is minimal, as the code above isn't.
          Thanks, Erik

          Ah ok thanks. I tried to keep it minimal with the images above but maybe that was too much? Basically I fed the camera.isp output through two image crops to see if it would work and I got an error. Both image crops worked independently but it feeding through both nodes gave me an error.

          what should the general approach be? This is the camera source flow through two nodes. The crop node works fine but I am not seeing the face recognition working when I add the rotation:

          # Define source and output
          camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
          xoutVideo = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
          # Properties
          camRgb.setVideoSize(1920, 1080)
          camRgb.setPreviewSize(300, 300)
          # Create MobileNet detection network
          mobilenet = pipeline.create(dai.node.MobileNetDetectionNetwork)
              blobconverter.from_zoo(name="face-detection-retail-0004", shaves=3)
          crop_manip = pipeline.createImageManip()
          rgbRr = dai.RotatedRect()
          rgbRr.center.x, rgbRr.center.y = camRgb.getPreviewWidth() // 2, camRgb.getPreviewHeight() // 2
          rgbRr.size.width, rgbRr.size.height = camRgb.getPreviewHeight(), camRgb.getPreviewWidth()
          rgbRr.angle = 90
          crop_manip.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rgbRr, False)
          crop_manip2 = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip)
          crop_manip2.initialConfig.setResize(300, 300)
          • erik replied to this.

            Hi chandrian , I believe NNs should be run after rotating (90deg) the camera, as otherwise you will try to run inference on rotated frames (-90deg) which will have much worse performance?

            I didnt quite follow. We rotated the camera so the faces coming in would be rotated 90 going into the NN so we are trying to rotate in software before the NN so that they are upright. Did I miss understand you?

            I even tried it with a rotation of zero degrees to see if the facial recognition was working and it was not working.