Hi Luxonis team,
I am using OAK-D-PRO-W sensor via depthai-ros, ROS2 foxy version. My question is related to depth image.
Launching "camera.launch.py" from depthai_ros_driver produces "/oak/stereo/image_raw" topic While launching "stereo_inertialnode.launch.py" from depthai_examples produces more depth image topics such as "stereo/depth", "stereo/converted_depth".
What is the difference between these 3 topics?
I am working on an use case to detect obstacles using depth information by dividing the depth image FOV into 3x3 grid and check if there are any points in each grid within a certain distance from the camera. I am trying to avoid converting to point cloud as it adds additional computations. For this use case, which launch file or rather which of the above ros topics would be more appropriate?
Thank you