SwapnilBhole Hi, 1: I have to detect crack on attached image. Which algorithm should I try? 2: Also, I have attached another image of scratch. Which algorithm should I try?
jakaskerl Hi SwapnilBhole That depends what kind of approach you are looking for: Non-NN - use Canny or sobel filter (sobel is available directly through depthAI edge detector node), then pass the frame through a threshold filter to and classify based on that image. NN - Use resnet or yolo, train the model on detecting cracks (or use a pretrained model for visual inspection). Thoughts? Thanks, Jaka
SwapnilBhole jakaskerl 1: Thanks. Which yolo model will provide accuracy & speed of detection. 2: OAK kit has global shutter camera ?
jakaskerl SwapnilBhole Thanks. Which yolo model will provide accuracy & speed of detection. Yolov6 for speed, yolov8 for accuracy (also depends on how you train it). SwapnilBhole OAK kit has global shutter camera ? If you mean the OAK-FFC kit (https://shop.luxonis.com/products/oak-ffc-kit), then no, these are merely extrusions and holders. No cameras are included. Thanks, Jaka