Hi, I'm trying to run multiple cameras at once with Ros driver. To do that I want to specify the IP address or mxid of the cameras, but when I'm doing that the launch crashes.
Here is my launch file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rosparam file="$(find luxonis_cameras)/config/multicam.yaml" />
<include file="$(find depthai_ros_driver)/launch/camera.launch">
<arg name="name" value="oak_d_w"/>
And my multicam.yaml config file:
camera_i_pipeline_type: RGB
camera_i_nn_type: none
rgb_i_low_bandwidth: true
rgb_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 50
When I run it I get:
but when I delete the camera_i_ip
so the config file looks like this:
camera_i_pipeline_type: RGB
camera_i_nn_type: none
rgb_i_low_bandwidth: true
rgb_i_low_bandwidth_quality: 50
the node works
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?