I'm currently setting up an OAK-D-PRO-POE camera to work with our system that will make use of its depth images. These, however, seem quite distorted when run out of the box, as can be seen in the picture below:

I therefore decided to try calibrating the camera (as that seemed to be the issue). However, calling the command from the online guide (https://docs.luxonis.com/en/latest/pages/calibration/?highlight=defaultBoard) doesn't seems to work:
python3 calibrate.py -s 3.00 -brd bw1098obc] -db
Which yields the error that -db requires an argument. I've tried a couple (defaultBoard, True, etc.) but nothing works. The error can be seen in the image below:

If I run the command without the default board defined (-db
) it starts. However, I do not get the expected overlays for each frame - to place the calibration board.
If I take the 39 pictures required, the calibration process starts but ends with an exception error, as seen in the following image:

I'm running on Windows 10, using DepthAI version
- What part of the calibration am I doing wrong?
- Am I wrong to assume that the messy depth image is a result of an uncalibrated camera?
Thank you for taking the time to read my problem, and for any possible hints you could give.