It seems it is possible to publish the rectified image streams of the cameras in ROS. luxonis/depthai-ros54. However, it is unclear to me how to do it?
In the list of parameters provided there are in the stereo section 3 parameters:
i_publish_left_rect: false
i_publish_right_rect: false
i_publish_synced_rect_pair: false
I have set them to true, but it seems no additional topics are created:
I am not sure now if the image_raw now already contains the rectified image or not?
Also, I am not sure which parameters I have to change as well which might have an impact on this:
i_enable_decimation_filter: false
i_enable_disparity_shift: false
i_enable_distortion_correction: false
It seems I cannot see parameters for the RGB neither?
Thanks in advance!