Matthieu Hello, We use this kind of Arducam camera module: With M12 IR-cut switch. On the camera module, there is already a place to connect and use that kind of IR-Swtich: How can we control it when plugged on a Oak-D-FFC ?
jakaskerl Hi Matthieu You would have to look at the product documentation on how to control the IR switch. Depthai currently only provides support for OAK-FFC-IR projectors that can be connected to the IR port on the FFC device itself. Thanks, Jaka
Matthieu I need a GPIO to turn on/off the IR_Switch. Can you provide the pinout of the OAK-FFC-IR board please ? I may find a pin to use as signal when we turn on/off IR illumination.
jakaskerl Hi Matthieu Thanks, Jaka