If I need to perform a recalibration of the OAK-D LR, is the current calibrate.py on the depthai main branch the right one to use?
Also, it seems factory calibration is performed at 1280x800 from the EEPROM calibration data. But if I run the current calibrate.py with an OAK-D LR device, it capture images at 1920x1200 and starts to calibrate at that resolution before failing with the error below. What is the recommended resolution to calibrate the OAK-D LR?
I have tried with opencv-contrib-python== (in requirements.txt) and (as suggested here).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\divya\dev\luxonis\depthai\calibrate.py", line 963, in calibrate
status, result_config = stereo_calib.calibrate(
File "C:\Users\divya\dev\luxonis\depthai\depthai_calibration\calibration_utils.py", line 233, in calibrate
left_cam_info['extrinsics']['epipolar_error'] = self.test_epipolar_charuco(
File "C:\Users\divya\dev\luxonis\depthai\depthai_calibration\calibration_utils.py", line 1163, in test_epipolar_charuco
res2_l = cv2.aruco.interpolateCornersCharuco(
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.5) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv_contrib\modules\aruco\src\charuco.cpp:448: error: (-215:Assertion failed) _markerCorners.total() == _markerIds.getMat().total() && _markerIds.getMat().total() > 0 in function 'cv::aruco::_interpolateCornersCharucoLocalHom'