Hi I'm going to bump this topic as NDAA is changing constantly. Currently it is a bit broader than just a couple of companies. For US govt work, typically components, including cameras and AI cannot come from covered countries. Of which China is one.
A more reliable source for NDAA compliance as it relates to Drones is on the DIU website. https://www.diu.mil/blue-uas-policy
Here it states that cameras manufactured in China are not compliant. This causes issues with the Luxonis components as almost everything is manufactured in China. I think the camera chips are also manufactured in china which makes the omnivision camera non-compliant. The on-semi cameras should be okay (they are Taiwanese) as long as the modules are not assembled in China.
It would be very handy if you guys could provide some NDAA compliant offerings as I really like your cameras, but our customers are making NDAA compliance a requirement.