Hi Luxonis-Alex ,
Many thanks for the explanation!
So if I understand correctly, since sensor analog gain can be set to 16x, only analog gain is applied up to ISO 1600 and above that, sensor digital gain starts to get added — is that correct?
We have not yet noticed an issue with pixel well saturation, but we are still early in our testing. We observe that the autoexposure algorithm seems to reach a maximum 8ms exposure time. Is that consistent with your expectation?
Do you plan to do any tuning updates for the AR0234? And if so, do you expect to adjust the gain bounds so that they respect the 1.68x recommended minimum and/or allow longer exposure times in autoexposure mode?
Touching back on Erik’s reply, is there any update on the focused distance for the LR array (for peak MTF)? We are looking into the image sharpness, including at shorter range (<1m). It would be helpful to know the lens MTF specification and also what your team has measured in the lab.