Hi tarocal ,
Sorry about the delay. This is definitely doable. Adding the VM adds just some extra one-time settings that need to be set up for it to work.
Which virtual machine tool are you using by the way? And what is the host OS?
We tried with VMware Player 16. Depending on what state the device is, there could be two devices showing up, and both need to be routed to the VM. Those could be visible at Player -> Removable Devices:
- Intel Movidius MyriadX
- Intel VSC Loopback Device or Intel Luxonis Device . Even though the device name is fixed in the FW, Windows seems to do some caching, and as we changed it not long ago, the old name might show up.
If there is an option for these like Forget connection rule , please select it (for both devices), then try running the main.py script again inside the VM. Choose to route to VM and select to not ask again (this is important, as there is a timeout, and the device watchdog could get triggered if the host doesn't start communication in few seconds). You may need to repeat running the script a few times, until all gets set properly for VMware.
We didn't find any easier options to select the device routing for VMware Player. Not sure if VMware Workstation might have more advanced menus.
Also inside Ubuntu, need to run these commands, to give USB permissions for the regular user.
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03e7", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-movidius.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
(these are included in our install script, just in case it was not ran)