Hi Sindel ,
Thanks for the interest, and sounds great!
On the darkness side - so the cameras on all current DepthAI models actually block IR. I mention this because a common way to allow computer vision in complete darkness is actually to illuminate with either blanket IR (like here) or with an IR pattern projector (best for depth, like here).
So the existing DepthAI models (including BW1092) do fairly well in low-light, but are not no-light capable.
To your questions:
Is the BW1092 board and a battery pack the only things needed for a mobile project?
Yes, that's right. With the caveat on no-light capability above. If you want no-light (and perhaps for low-light), I'd recommending this setup instead:
Is it possible apart from the data to stream the video from one of the cameras (color, or depth) via WiFi?
We are hoping that the BW1092 will be able to stream video over WiFi eventually. But right now the onboard SPI interface between DepthAI and ESP32 is limited to 100kbps (quite slow!) because of some unkown issue. So right now video is not possible, just low-resolution thumbnailing. For reference, 1080p/HD video with h.265 encoding is about 3,000kbps, so about 30x what the BW1092 can do out over SPI (and therefore, through WiFi, as the ESP32 communicates with DepthAI over SPI).
Is this possible for a maker with moderate experience?
Besides the 100kbps limit above, it for sure would be.
Is there another commercial device that could do that?
Aside form the modular-camera recommendation above (which supports low-light), actually our DM1097 is quite nice to work on as it has an integrated Pi 4CM, and integrated DepthAI:
So it would be very easy to do what you want with it. The only rub is that it doesn't have IR-capable cameras on it. But here is an example of locating people in physical space with it:
