I have OAK-D Pro and series 1 OAK-D.
According to OAK-D Pro — DepthAI Hardware Documentation 1.0.0 documentation (luxonis.com)
the FOV of the stereo pair(OV9782 PY003) is 82° / 77° / 53°
And for the series 1 OAK-D has the same FOV(82° / 77° / 53°) according to its spec page OAK-D — DepthAI Hardware Documentation 1.0.0 documentation (luxonis.com)
On the other hand. on the specfication page of the OV9782 OV9282 — DepthAI Hardware Documentation 1.0.0 documentation (luxonis.com)
it is 89.5° DFOV, 80° HFOV, 55° VFOV for OAK-D Pro,
and 81° DFOV, 72° HFOV, 49° VFOV for series 1 OAK-D.
Which is right? I guess sensor spec page has right information because 2 camera pages show same number.
I want exact FOV of my stereo pair output images(1280x800 or 640x400).