Hello, I would like to obtain readings from the magnetometer of the IMU on my OAK-D camera (OpenCV AI Kit) by running the "stereo_inertial_node.launch" example from the "depthai_examples" folder of the ROS driver on GitHub. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04-ROS1 Noetic, so I have cloned the "noetic" branch of the repository and installed the dependencies using "rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y".
First, I checked which IMU the camera has. To do this, I used the "depthai_python" driver from GitHub and ran the "imu_rotation_vector.py" example. The first line displayed was:
IMU type: BNO086, firmware version: 3.9.7
And the rest of the example seemed to work fine. Therefore, I believe the IMU's magnetometer is responding properly.
I would like to obtain its readings in ROS, in a separate topic from the IMU topic (which provides accelerometer and gyroscope readings). To achieve this, I modified the "/depthai_ros_driver/cfg/parameters.cfg" file and changed line 167 with the parameter "IMU_WITH_MAG_SPLIT" as follows:
camera.add("imu_i_message_type", str_t, 0, "ROS Publisher type", "IMU_WITH_MAG_SPLIT")
However, when I launch the "stereo_inertial_node.launch" node, no additional topic for the magnetometer appears. The only topic I get is the original "/stereo_inertial_publisher/imu" topic, which only provides accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
Am I configuring the IMU parameters correctly?
Thank you in advance.