When ever i run the code for imu sensor, its showing following error
[48F26816838860C6] [] [1659106110.780] [IMU(0)] [error] Node threw exception, stopping the node. Exception message: IMU BMI270 not detected
I tried by updating software through ftp
You need to update your FIP, if the board is very old:
Copy to device, scp fip-oak-ffc-6p-rvc3-1.2.0.bin root@
On device: movisoc-fwu -a fip-oak-ffc-6p-rvc3-1.2.0.bin`
used the above commands and tried to update the software
but still same imu is not detecting
i refered to this link : luxonis/depthai-core783
here they mentioned that may be issue of harware
thank you