Hello !
I'm trying to deploy my model on the OAK-D lite. I'm able to convert my ONNX to OpenVino IR format without problem. I'm trying now to convert the IR format to blob.
The problem is that my model recevies multiple inputs: 1 frame from mono camera (left/right) and 1 input from other sources. The frame coming from mono camera must be encoded as U8 and the other input must be encoded as F16 because of its values.
I tested with option -ip F16
when I compile the model from IR to blob and F16 using image manip during the execution on the luxonis manip.initialConfig.setFrameType(depthai.ImgFrame.Type.RGBF16F16F16p)
but I have bug [ImageManip(1)] [error] Processing failed, potentially unsupported config .
I tested with option -iop "frame: U8, info:FP16"
when i compiled the model but I have bug saying that
```Check '!tensorFound' failed at /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/private-ci/ie/build-linux-ubuntu20/b/repos/openvino/tools/compile_tool/main.cpp:456:
Model doesn't have input/output with tensor name: frame```
In this case, is there any solution ?
Thank you in advance for your support !