Hi AdamPolak
Sorry I am unfamiliar with cpp. Chat gpt gave me the following script:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
struct MyData {
std::string key1;
int key2;
int main() {
// Assuming 'buffer' is the received buffer message
std::string buffer = "..."; // Replace '...' with the actual buffer message
// Extract the size of the buffer from the first 4 bytes
std::uint32_t buffer_size;
std::memcpy(&buffer_size, buffer.data(), sizeof(buffer_size));
// Extract the data from the buffer
std::string data(buffer.data() + sizeof(buffer_size), buffer_size);
// Deserialize the JSON data to vector of MyData structures
std::vector<MyData> my_data;
// ... Perform deserialization from 'data' to 'my_data' using your preferred JSON library
// Print the received data
for (const auto& item : my_data) {
std::cout << "key1: " << item.key1 << ", key2: " << item.key2 << std::endl;
return 0;
Let me know if this helps,