• DepthAI
  • Creating a StereoDepth outConfig link causes device to hang

Hi, I am using an OAK-FFC-4P setup with a stereo camera configuration, and I am trying to configure some of the post processing. I'd like to read the configuration from the StereoDepth outConfig stream, and then adjust it and write it back to inputConfig.

Writing to inputConfig works fine, but when I add the following to my pipeline, the entire device (all streams) hang indefinitely:

stereoControlOut = pipeline.create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();

And elsewhere:

stereoConfigOutput = device->getOutputQueue("stereoConfigOutput");
std::cout << "New stereo config output" << std::endl;

I see New stereo config output several times in the output before the process stops responding. If I remove the above lines, I am able to view h264 encoded video from the camera streams, as well as the stereo depth, just fine. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks for your help.

Stewart Jamieson