Trying to learn how to use depthai. Genreral programming Noob here. Set things up and am able to get some examples running.I am able to run the mobilnet (luxonis) example script to parse a video file as well as live on a RGB camera. I am running depthai on OAK-FFC 3P, connected to a RaspberryPi.
Goal: (eventually) write code to process a video file using yolop (You Only Look at Once for Panoptic driving Perception.,
I used blob converter ( to get a blob for yolop. However I am not sure how to set up the input and output to the neural net (didn't find any sample examples and struggled to understand in the documentation). Curious if folks could help me understand how to approach this in steps. Curious if there are online tutorials or code examples that could help make progress against above question or learn generally about typical depthai setups.