I am trying to load an NN model (fast_depth_480x640) that I downloaded from the model zoo. I have the .bin and .xml file on my local machine. What is the process of getting this to run using the camera.launch file in depthai_ros_driver ?
I believe I need to change a few lines in the camera.yaml file related to camera_i_nn_type: spatial
and nn_i_nn_config_path: depthai_ros_driver/mobilenet
Is it correct that I need to add a .json file in depthai_ros_driver/config/nn ? How do I convert the XML file from the model zoo into .json format?
Do I need to specify the model_path as well ? I see that there are some .blob files located in depthai-ros/depthai_examples/resources ... do I need to add a .blob file for my model here ? How can I convert the .bin and .xml files from the model zoo into .blob format ?
Lastly what should I set for camera_i_nn_type
if I am using a nerual depth model based on RGB, should I change that value to rgb or keep it as spatial ?
Thank You