The timestamp of 4 image are simliar(under millisecond). But sequence numbers are not.
I modify example from here and get following output:
rgb: 0:00:05.246721 seq: 108
left: 0:00:05.246732 seq: 107
right: 0:00:05.246741 seq: 107
camd: 0:00:05.246751 seq: 105
rgb: 0:00:05.280073 seq: 109
left: 0:00:05.280087 seq: 108
right: 0:00:05.280096 seq: 108
camd: 0:00:05.280106 seq: 106
It is obvious the sequence number are not the same even the timestamp are close between different camera image.
Any suggestion? Test 2.19, 2.20 and develop branch has similar issues.
here is code i wrote: