themeigo I'm able to do it without using depth segmentation as show in the example /gen2-full-fov-nn but when i try to implement it, it doesn't work. Any idea or any example to solve it? Many thanks David
themeigo Hi erik , I'm just trying to figure out if it's possible to run the example from [gen2-deeplabv3_depth] with a complete image FOV. What kind of lines should i add or edit? I tried the method of stretching and letterboxing but it doesnt work for me with the stereo node. Thanks.
erik Hi themeigo , In theory, anything is possible🙂 Now how much work there is - is a different story. If using stretching, then it should map fairly easily (from NN result to depth point), if you are using letterboxing then it would be more work (example for BB here) Could you elaborate what isn't working? Thanks, Erik