aposhian I know that TCP 11490 is used for XLink, and UDP 11491 is used for discovery. I have a network where UDP is completely unavailable. Can I connect with the TCP port alone if I manually set the IP to my Oak D PoE device?
erik Hi aposhian , Yes, if you specify the IP there won't be any discovery happening, so UDP won't be used. Is that not the case in your example? Thanks, Erik
aposhian I was trying to connect over a VPN with some TCP forwarding with socat. It wasn't working, and I know that UDP usually doesn't work on this particular network, so I wanted to rule that out. So it must have been some other idiosyncrasy.
erik Hi aposhian , I apologize for incorrect info, it still does UDP unicast request. There's an XLink patch (see branch here) that could be used, but it's not on a roadmap to be mainlined. On depthai core/python it's branch called xlink_skip_discovery_target_ip but it's not up-to-date.