AlexisCarlier Hi there. I would like to know more about the process of alignement. What type of algo is used? Is it a simple translation or more complex one? Thanks
GergelySzabolcs It involves translation of depth map and image warping to match the target camera's intrinsics
AlexisCarlier Ok, can you provide some more details pls? I would like to do it by myself for a specific topic. Thanks
MichaelTsao I am also curious about the details. I'd like to align one of the stereo cameras to the RGB camera if possible.
erik Hi MichaelTsao , this is already supported with depthai:
AlexisCarlier To go further, I would also really like to know how you are able to align considering the depth that would need local deformation?
MichaelTsao I am aware of this implementation, but i'd like to do this alignment on the host. Essentially I have a host processed output I'd like to align with the RGB camera
jakaskerl Hi MichaelTsao the algorithm is part of the device firmware which is closed-source and therefore can not be shared publicly. You can however look at some online tutorials if you really want to do it yourself. Thanks for understanding, Jaka