There are some specific questions that we would like to consult:

1) Under H.264 or H.265, what is size the corresponding date rate?

2) On the DepthAI software, is it possible to directly see the x, y, z coordinates and depth value of each pixel on the depth image or point cloud image, or is it only possible to save the depth image and then use other software to obtain the xyz and depth values of each pixel?

3) What is the difference between the theoretical maximum z-value and the actual z-value?
I see on the datasheet that the maximum theoretical z value and the maximum actual z value for the OAK-D-S2-PoE model are 35m and 15m respectively. What is the maximum distance that this model can support to detect objects? (The working distance that the customer wants is 1-30M, so they have certain doubts about this part) What is the approximate accuracy corresponding to the working distance of 30m?

We are looking forward to hearing from you, thank you very much!

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi Jalen_Xu ,

    1. By default, for H26x it's set to VBR mode (variable bitrate), but you can select CBR (custom bitrate), select it by:
      enc = pipeline.create(dai.node.VideoEncoder)
      enc.setDefaultProfilePreset(size, fps, dai.VideoEncoderProperties.Profile.H265_MAIN)
      # By default: 720p30: 4Mbps, 1080p30: 8.5Mbps, 1440p30: 14Mbps, 2160p30: 20Mbps
    2. Both are possible🙂 You can use SPatialLocationCalculator to get XYZ from ROI. You can also record depth (SDK recording docs) and later calculate XYZ (based on camera intrinsics).
    3. Theoretical is based on a calculation, but at that range accuracy is terrible. Whereas actual maxZ is more based on our accuracy tests. At 30m it would likely be a few meters error. For such long range I would suggest our OAK-D LR (long range).

    Thanks, Erik

    Hello, Erik
    Thanks for your reply!
    I see in your link that the OAK-D LR is on pre-order?
    Could you send me a detailed spec sheet with the parameters? I would like to get an idea of its accuracy.
    What is the approximate accuracy corresponding to the working distance of 30m?

      Hi Jalen_Xu ,
      Accuracy depends on the lens - narrow FOV lenses would mean better long range perception (tradeoff to less FOV). If you know focal distance (in pixels) then you can calculate theoretical full-pixel accuracy here (as baseline is 15cm). We will do some calculations with standard lenses in a week or two. Perhaps best to subscribe to newsletters to get the notifications about those🙂
      Thanks, Erik