• DepthAI
  • vcpkg integration for Windows

Hi! I was wondering if I can get the core depthai using Microsoft's vcpkg, I have not seen that in the README.

Also, I am a bit confused on the difference between depthai-python which is basically C++ with Python bindings and then depthai-core which is just C++. My Camera just arived and I tried the depthai, which is pure python via pip.

Moreover, depthai really wanted the opencv-python community version, although I have a custom built opencv for CUDA integration, and that seems to work fine with the camera. This also made me a bit confused.

Well, I guess I am a bit lost on the number of options here, sorry for asking 3 questions in one, but I post this more as an open topic for discussion.

The camera is nice!


  • erik replied to this.

    Hi AndreiMoraru !

    We, unfortunately, don't have the vcpkg integration yet, but feel free to contribute it via PR to depthai-core.

    Also, I am a bit confused on the difference between depthai-python which is basically C++ with Python bindings and then depthai-core which is just C++

    depthai-core is the actual library, while depthai-python are just python bindings for the library. To your point, we actually plan to merge these 2 repos (one day).

    This also made me a bit confused.

    I think we do that by default, just to make installation as simple as possible, but perhaps we should check for the cuda enabled opencv instead.
    Thanks, Erik


      Thanks for clarifying! Now I get the options.

      Well, since this runs on its VPU (if I understood this correctly), maybe there is little point in checking for cuda. I do know that OpenVINO can check for cuda as well, apart from the CPU & VPU, but I guess you guys know better where you want to take depthai further. My throw-off was thinking that the windows installer will rewrite my whole python environment and variables, including opencv, but it actually created a new virtual one, so we are gucci.

        Hi AndreiMoraru ,
        Yep your understanding is correct, everything runs on VPU. I don't think depthai (API) will handle "host side processing" as well, but perhaps we will add such features to depthai-sdk, like slam/vio, additional processing (like cv, or light AI), etc. So we do plan to also include cuda support into our platform🙂
        Thanks, Erik