Thank you so much for the detailed answer @David,
This is very helpful. My main goal is to use the device in standalone mode and get the meta-data from ESP via TX with a ser.write()
method. I can see that in this esp32-spi-message-demo "uart_echo" example I can configure GPIO pin 34 as TX and technically transmit my metadata via that pin?
However based on your advice I shouldn't use that pin since it is used to debug the code, therefore I can choose another unused GPIO pin and set that as GPIO output GPIO(GPIO.OUTPUT, GPIO.ALT_MODE_5)
is that correct?
Finally given that my goal is to get the metadata from the device via UART using only TX/GND (to force a one way communication) would you say that another module in Luxonis shop might provide a more straightforward peripheral access for this task?
Thanks heaps!