RyanLee Hi, I have questions about OAK-D. We hope to make OAK-D using your modules and your sensors (rgb and monos) . are there any references for us? for OAK-D, could you guide or give us the api information for warp/dewarp? Best regards, Ryan.
RyanLee I got some information for your online document. Please help us to cross-check it. Dewap function for oak-d. Using “-rect” option with below link. https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/api/en/latest/samples/StereoDepth/stereo_depth_video/ Build custom oak-d. https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/DM1090.html Best regards, Ryan.
erik Hi RyanLee , If I understand correctly, you would like to customize the PCB of OAK-D? If so, useful docs can be found here. OAK-D design files here. Please see example here. I hope this helps! Thanks, Erik