I'm trying to train a mobileNetSSD model using the colab notebooks here - https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-ml-training/tree/master/colab-notebooks
Because of changes in colab environment from google, the installation of tensorflow 1.15 fails.
!pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.15
This has recently stopped working. I tried downgrading python in colab to 3.7. Still doesn't work. Thus, the training pipeline is broken. Can someone please help with this urgently?
Also, the training notebooks for mobilenetSSD say "Warning! This tutorial is now deprecated. Please refer to YoloV5 tutorial, YoloV6 tutorial or YoloV7 tutorial."
It is quite confusing to see a depreciation note but no new colab notebook for MobileNetSSD. Can someone clarify this as well please?